For years, the majority of folks have been obsessed with how a space looks and functions. We are pivoting to a time where we want to live in spaces that support us not just from a functional and visually appealing way but to a space that can also support our inspirational desires.

We want to learn how to connect with our community, our friends, our creativity, our purpose and ultimately how to take care of ourselves.
A well-thought-out design helps people to rejuvenate, recharge and support their deepest desires. Whether that’s creating a kitchen, for more than just food consumption, as the hub of the home for connection with family and friends or an outdoor sanctuary. Great design does not stop there. The last thing one wants to do is regret not taking in to consideration the adjacent rooms of the new space. A gorgeous well-thought out kitchen on its own that doesn’t take into consideration the surrounding space to accomplish the deeper purpose for its intention is a real fail. The intention behind the space should guide the design to the best solution.

Holistic design today takes into account what our clients want to feel when they are in the room, even if the clients are not aware themselves! Great designers are trained to illuminate everything that the space can be for the family now and 5, 10… even 20 years (if it’s their forever home) from now. It also takes into account how they want to express themselves and feel in harmony.
To discover the deeper needs of our clients, we dig in deeper to what goals, dreams, vision, and inspirational thoughts they want to explore for all the current and potentially new spaces within their home. Find out what’s really important and prioritize the design in a manner that is still within means. We accomplish this with our creative and unique design approach.
How amazing is it to think that one can create an inspirational environment through a great home design? Whether it is to heal clients from a long day of work by boosting their mood or making relaxation easier or finally creating a space to help them make the time for that hobby they’ve been interested in. People are busy and creating that sanctuary, no matter if it’s inside/ outside/ kitchen/ sunroom addition/ basement gym, it’s about creating balance. Sun Design has found the sweet spot, over 31 years, to become naturally in the service of helping others live their best life through our creative design process. In the end, if you are changing your space, allow yourself the designed environment you can enjoy for a lifetime.